In Tactics Ogre you are likely going to just "stumble" into a very easy path. Look, you can break FFT too, but in that game you at least kind of have to know what you are doing. The ending was ok, but it pales in contrast with FFT's tragic and beautiful conclusion. Why am I dealing with nobody knights in the final battle of the game? They just shoved Lanselot Tartaros aside so uninteresting villains could take his place, wtf? It made more sense in Final Fantasy Tactics because that game is upfront about it's fantasy elements. Speaking of demons, for a game mostly about grounded politics and warfare, the last boss felt forced and out of place. I didn't buy most of Catiua's actions, and what was the point of the Dark Knights unleashing a demon? Was it to destroy Valeria so it would be easier for them to conquer it? But then wouldn't they have to deal with a demon army? Most character's motivations are poorly explained.

Not nearly as interesting and fleshed out as Delita. The first half is good and keeps you guessing, but the payoff is a bit underwhelming. The story never reaches high points or a big climax, there are no surprising plot twists or shocking moments. It's not nearly as good as in Final Fantasy Tactics, for a few reasons: The biggest problem for me was the story. It was great and I had a lot of fun with it, especially in the first half, but I have a few gripes with the game. So, after years of playing Tactics Ogre on and off, I've finally finished.